The Troop invited parents to come sit in on a Youth Protection Training course presented by Council. The Scouts separated and spent time working on their own Youth Protection courses via Computer Based Training. The protection of our boys is of the utmost importance and it's necessary that everyone involved knows their rights and responsibilities in order to maintain safety in Scouting. Thank you to everyone that showed up. A special thanks goes out to Mr. Starks from Council who drove from Enid to present the training.
This blog page is created to provide some insight to some of the topics of discussion in our weekly meetings, as told by our Scribe. These are meant to be brief overviews or summaries of what the Troop and Patrols worked on.
Directions: When creating a new post: 1. Click on the Add Post Button 2. Edit the Title 3. Drag a Text Element from the top left and type your meeting notes. 4. When you've completed your notes and are ready to post your minutes, click the Post button on the top right. |