Talked about who is going early to Trappers (next weekend). We did elections for new roles except SPL. -William A, Scribe
We discussed logistics for Trappers and what to bring and wear. The dangers of the cold weather and the excitement to be had. We hope to be able to send the Troop up there. The new Omicron strain of Covid is quickly spreading and putting a damper on a lot of activities. Fingers crossed. Elections were held as well with most positions retained due to lack of contests. There were a couple of PLs and APLs switched amongst the younger patrols. No meeting next week due to MLK Jr Day. - Jay W, SM
Tonight we talked about the Spook-o-Ree campout and how much fun we had! We set up the Spook Trail and did our best to scare the spirits out of the younger Cub Scouts as they filed through. Then we went on our weekly run around the block for fitness. Afterward we split into two groups: the younger patrols worked with Mr. Sands on Rank advancement material and the older patrols discussed war stories of life altering situations as we helped Riley L. with his Communications Merit Badge. We have a busy Fall ahead of us full of Scouting opportunities.
Tonight we talked about upcoming events such as the city-wide Scout-o-Ree recruitment event on Aug 29th, Popcorn sales on the 27th, Flags Over PC on Labor Day and our campout on the 10th of Sept. We have a busy month ahead of us. So buckle up!
After our discussion the boys went outside for some PT and then split into groups. The younger Scouts working on their Scout Rank held a collective SM Conference which gained the Rank for several of the boys. The group of boys working on Tenderfoot and 2nd Class worked on other requirements for advancement with Mr. Sands. The elder patrols went outside and worked on more PT by racing around the block and blowing off some before school jitters. We have handed out quite a few MB lately. It's good to see the boys learning and earning! Tonight, we started off with agenda items and handing out some Merit Badges and Rank Advancements. Mr. Wagner presented Aiden Tapp two plaques to recognize Aiden's contributions as SPL for the last year. Then the Troop went outside and split into groups. The New Scout Patrol worked with Mr. Sands to start the physical fitness portion of their Tenderfoot requirements while the rest of the Troop went for a 1 mile run. Afterwards the Troop played a game called Steal the Bacon. Whenever the New Scout Patrol was finished with their requirements everyone headed back inside for dismissal. Mr. Sands handed out some blank calendars for the Scouts to use to track their daily activities. Tyler Stewart had his Board of Review for Star Rank and passed. Congratulations Tyler!
The Troop invited parents to come sit in on a Youth Protection Training course presented by Council. The Scouts separated and spent time working on their own Youth Protection courses via Computer Based Training. The protection of our boys is of the utmost importance and it's necessary that everyone involved knows their rights and responsibilities in order to maintain safety in Scouting. Thank you to everyone that showed up. A special thanks goes out to Mr. Starks from Council who drove from Enid to present the training.
This blog page is created to provide some insight to some of the topics of discussion in our weekly meetings, as told by our Scribe. These are meant to be brief overviews or summaries of what the Troop and Patrols worked on.
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